Little Red Riding Hood

  1. One day Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her granny.
  2. On her way she met a wolf.
  3. The wolf ran to Granny`’s house and ate Granny up.
  4. Litle Red Riding Hood looked at the wolf’s eyes, ears, nose and teeth.
  5. A woodcutter heard a load scream and ran to the house.
  6. The wolf opened his mouth wide and Granny jumped out.
  7. Litle Red Riding Hood never saw the wolf again.


  1. Granny what big eyes you have. All the better to see you with.
  2. Granny what big ears you have. All the better to hear you with
  3. Granny what big a nose you have.All the better to smell you with.
  4. Granny what big teeth you have. All the better to eat you with.

3. My Granny is not old. Her name is Marine. She is very nice and kind. We spend a lot of time with her. She always tells me interesting stories. I like her very much.

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